CrudeHub Client
CrudeHub Client & Digital Study Access
Access to EAI, Inc.'s special online content is being offered to North American Crude study subscribers as part of EAI, Inc.'s overall retainer crude package. CrudeHub Client serves as a launchpoint for a variety of interactive web features and extended study content/data bridging all portions of the study from production to logistics, refining and pricing. Read more about CrudeHub's current feature slate below.

Timing of Critical Events & Milestones
EAI, Inc. addresses key events, trigger points, and crude network dynamics driving crude hub pricing relationships and crude movement across the North American landscape. EAI, Inc. has evolved its tracking and analysis of these time-sensitive and transitional industry milestones and placed them into a dynamic environment where important changes can be recorded and made available instantaneously. Milestones are presented visually in a unique and interactive timeline.
Extended EAI, Inc. Insights & Analysis
EAI, Inc. provides ongoing coverage across all sectors of the industry and issues timely insights and analysis of relevant and critical topics and events as they occur. This coverage includes regular updates of project records, news postings, focused commentary, and whitepapers presented through the CrudeHub Client Business Dashboard and also made available to clients via email updates.
Curated News Feeds and Commentary
The CrudeHub Team tracks news and activity across all segments of the business and hand selects articles that provide added knowledge or clarity to a specific asset, or are significant with respect to a particular business segment (i.e. refining, crude pricing, etc.). Our article selections are saved and shared in CrudeHub along with EAI, Inc.'s own commentary in a focused forum free of the typical news deluge.
Production Outlooks & Forecasts
EAI, Inc. provides the latest production trends and forecasts for all major North American crude production regions including onshore tight oil basins as well as offshore Gulf of Mexico. EAI, Inc.'s production outlooks can be customized to build a unique snapshot of specific crude oil streams, regions, or grades.
Midstream Infrastructure Project Tracking Database
EAI, Inc. tracks and monitors major project announcements and ongoing midstream infrastructure development including planned and newly operating crude pipeline projects, crude-by-rail loading/unloading facilities, crude terminals, and asset acquisition & divestiture. Projects are researched and updated regularly providing you with the most current information available for critical projects and activity in the midstream sector.
- Up-to-date tracking of construction, planned, and newly operating crude pipeline projects
- Up-to-date tracking of construction, planned, and newly operating crude-by-rail projects
- Metrics and analysis of all infrastructure projects presented in a series of interactive charts and tables
- Live mapping of all crude infrastructure projects and newly commissioned assets
- Coverage of logistics sector and logistics-specific news, projects, and status changes
U.S. Refining Sector Coverage
EAI, Inc. provides refinery processing profiles by plant and refinery hub including complexity and crude processing capability, current and historical crude runs and slates and plant specific crude tower utilizations. This plant level data is aggregated by refinery hub and provides a basis for determing overall Shale Fairway refinery saturation level with light crude and the ability of the Eastern Seaboard and West coast refineries to absorb inland crude surplus. EAI, Inc. profiles the light crude, medium sour and heavy crude streams and loadings by refinery area. This data lends insight to how much of the medium sour import pool is highly integrated and unlikely to be displaced. Overall refinery crude run levels and utilization outlooks are provided and driven by EAI, Inc.’s downstream business components.
- 133 Refinery Profiles
- Configurable crude run profiles by region, refining hub, and crude grade
- Crude Slate Profile by Region, Hub, Individual Plant, and Crude Grade (2012 through current)
- Crude Throughput Trend by Region, Hub, Individual Plant, and Crude Grade (2012 through current)
- Breakout of foreign versus domestic runs
- Processing Capability Summary by Plant
- Coverage of refining sector and refinery-specific news, projects, and status changes
Crude Network Balances Trends & Outlooks
EAI, Inc. employs its crude Network Balance Forecast model to project crude supply, demand and movements integrating refinery demand, production by basin and grade and transportation options between source hubs and downstream distribution and/or refinery hubs. This has been applied to specific production basins and centers of logistical activity across North American. EAI, Inc. also provides these crude Network Balance Forecast model outputs for all major North American crude trade regions with inclusion of Latin America crude balance outlooks and interaction with global crude supply hubs. EAI, Inc. is continues to evolve these capabilities to support more real-time crude balances (quarterly and monthly) to support crude marketing, purchasing and trading operations.
EAI, Inc. will provide updates of crude balance trends and crude flows for all North American regions and key corridors including global interactions on at least a quarterly basis. This includes Western Canada, West Coast U.S., Rocky Mountain, U.S. Central Corridor and sub-regions, Gulf Coast and the Eastern Seaboard. EAI, Inc. will provide annual updates of all Crude Network Balance trends and forecasts spanning at least five years of history and at least 7 to 10 years into the future. These balances and balance outputs will be made available in electronic format on CrudeHub as well as via a reporting tool that can access the NBF crude outlooks in data base format.
- Regional balance summary and outlook (at least 5-year history and 8-year forecast period)
- Crude import trend configurable by origin, destination region, and crude grade
- U.S. Crude Inventory Report
Crude Pricing & Economics
EAI, Inc. has added daily price tracking of global benchmark crudes including heavy and medium sour streams. EAI provides detailed coverage of price differentials, trends, and netbacks for competing crudes by grade across a variety of markets. CrudeHub's dynamic price tracking module allows our North American Crude subscribers to supplement long-term study outlooks with ongoing monitoring of near-term price trends and insights as the current price climate continues to impact investments, trading, projects, planning, and company operations.
..and More Features Still to Come
EAI, Inc. has a number of exciting new features on the horizon which will greatly enhance value and utility of CrudeHub within your company. We have received feedback from our valued clients and are using this feedback to mold a better all-around product tuned to your specific needs. Some of the planned features to be implemented in the next 6 months include the following:
- Expanded Pricing and Economics Coverage
- Definition of domestic crude movements and refinery runs by specific grade and origin
- Crude movement route and cost analysis
- GIS-integrated content and expanded mapping features and capability
- Basin-specific profiles and production coverage
- Forecast of Condensate Supplies from Other Sources (Offshore GOM, Eastern Gulf Coast Onshore, Other Shale Plays)
CrudeHub Access & Deliverables
Access to CrudeHub Client is provided as an optional add-on for subscribers of EAI, Inc.'s North American Crude study. Subscribers of the North American Study program and CrudeHub Client receive access to the following features and services:
- A full year of access to CrudeHub Client
- Regular updates and mini-reports
- Information and data support in Excel format
- Instant access to updated North American Crude components and data
- A formal presentation presenting the program results and addressing specific Client inquiries can be provided to the client upon request